The Evil Called ‘Suicide’, Causes And Practical Ways To Avoid It By Oluwafemi Adegbeyeni
As culled online, the Cambridge Dictionary defines suicide as “the act of killing yourself intentionally”. Suicide is a social phenomenon, an instance of someone killing himself or herself or of multiple people doing it.
In Latin word, suicide is broken into ‘sui'(yourself) and ‘caedere'(to kill). It is an intentional self homicide of a person.
Foremost, taking a look at the spiritual perspective, God as the supreme being, created man and woman and gave them live.
Religions have often condemn suicide, it is being analysed as a sin against the creator. For instance, the fifth commandment in the scripture in Exodus 20:13 shows that God is the Lord over life and death. He says “you shall not murder/kill”Despite the clear instruction from the creator, some men and women have taken their lives through suicidal acts, therefore, sinning against their creator.
Nigeria as a case study, has high rate of suicide. Suicide has taken place in many places in Nigeria and the victims of this suicide are majorly young ones.
Nigeria has tried to curb the act legally. Attempt to commit Suicide has been criminalised in section 327 of the criminal code Act. It states “any person who attempts to kill himself is guilty of misdemeanor and is liable to imprisonment for one year”.
However, there have been questions begging for answers as regards this. How effective has been section 327 of the code in preventing suicide in a country of high rate of illiteracy? Even the ones that are literate also commit suicide. Is the situation of the country so bad and has the leadership of the country made life difficult for people to commit suicide? Has counselling sector been effectively activated in Nigeria? What are some of the causes of suicide in Nigeria?
The last question shall be our focus and conclusion.
Stating the spiritual aspect first, it has been established above that God is the giver of life, and he takes it when it is time. In my opinion, only God has power to give life but he’s not the only one who can take it.There are powers and principalities in darkness who are in the business of pushing people to death, killing them and destroying destinies.Suicide is evil, it is one of the weapons of the devil.
To overcome this, one must “GET GOD” because only through God shall we overcome them.
A student confessed to me some hours ago, that she had wanted to commit suicide in year one in the varsity but the holy spirit ministered to her and warned her against killing herself. It was pointed to her that she would lose here on earth and also lose eternity.
One must believe in God and his name. The scripture says “the name of God is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and is saved”. One must be truly saved, be righteous and always run to God in all situations.
Financial crisis may also lead a person to commit suicide. A situation where a person falls into huge debt or penury, such person may be forced by the forces of life to end it.
Anyone who finds himself/herself in this situation should cry out for help! Don’t be silent about your predicament!!! Open up to as many as people and you will surely find someone to help you out. Visit governmental(non) organisations, churches and other helping bodies to help your situation.
Another rampant cause of suicide, among the young ones especially, is that of failed relationship. Relationship failure has made many young girls/ladies and even the boys to commit suicide over the years. No boyfriend/girlfriend or fiance/fiancee, or husband/wife should make you kill yourself!!!You are great and even greater than the person you want to kill yourself because of…If you lose your relationship, there are many people in the world, get another partner and move on!
Never kill yourself because of anyone in life, because you are more precious. THE WORLD NEEDS YOU, GOD NEEDS YOU!!!
Academic problem is also another cause of suicide which happens in schools. Failure in an examination or of a course is not the end of life. Seek for counselling, mentoring and tutorship. Seek to get better academically. Meet people that are better than you!!!
Other cause of suicide are; family problems, depression/boredom, personal or internal problems among others.In all of these, don’t not be silent, open up! Make friends, have a confidant, love companionship!! don’t be silent!!!
In conclusion, I wish to submit that everyone should make it a responsibility to prevent suicide and stop it in totality. The Government should make active laws against suicide and also enforce such laws. Dangerous items used in commiting suicide should be made scarce, if possible, should be banned in the society. No need is more than human life!!!
Both spiritually and physically, everyone must be at alert to combat the evil called suicide! YES!! SUICIDE CAN BE STOPPED!!!
Original Author
Oluwafemi Adegbeyeni
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