IT execs join forces, pledging to promote diversity in technology
CIOs in every industry are looking to improve diversity in their IT organizations. As such, many are asking some critical questions: What are the inhibitors to increasing diversity in the technology professional community? Why do people drop out of the technology pipeline as their careers progress?Last year, Michael Smith, CIO of Estee Lauder, and Earl Newsome, Americas CIO for Linde, founded TechPACT, a consortium of technology leaders, who are working together to answer those questions and provide IT career opportunities to diverse talent pools.
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“We have to start with the beginning of the pipeline and address the leaks along the way,” says Newsome. “If we believe that aptitude is evenly distributed among all human beings, then the gap between aptitude and opportunity is your zip code. We can do something about that.”To read this article in full, please click here
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