Grim Tranquility Announced
Startup developer Poorly Timed Games, which is headed up by Destiny veteran Chris Wright, has announced its first game: Grim Tranquility, an isometric-view roguelite tactical RPG that’s coming soon to PC via Steam. In Grim Tranquility, the story goes that humanity has exhausted the earth of habitability, and so people must venture out into space and find a new home somewhere in the stars. Naturally, a hostile alien empire they encounter isn’t too keen on allowing that to happen, and conflict ensues. Check out the announcement trailer above and the first screenshots in the gallery below.Climate change, bureaucratic corruption, and environmental damage fuel the story and Grim Tranquility’s procedural gameplay. Poorly Timed Games says you’ll be able to “upgrade primitive Earth weapons, recruit new members with enhanced abilities, and influence alien officials with bribes for beneficial buffs or overthrow them in high stakes boss battles.”Poorly Timed is based out of Redmond, Washington, and boasts a diverse group of developers. Wishlist Grim Tranquility on Steam and look for more on it at PAX West this weekend.Ryan McCaffrey is IGN’s executive editor of previews and host of both IGN’s weekly Xbox show, Podcast Unlocked, as well as our monthly(-ish) interview show, IGN Unfiltered. He’s a North Jersey guy, so it’s “Taylor ham,” not “pork roll.” Debate it with him on Twitter at @DMC_Ryan.
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