I was married with 2 kids when I realized I’m gay
Melisa Raney shares the intimate details of what happened after she realized she was a lesbian at age 36, after building what she thought was the perfect life.
Seth Moulton unveils plan to review discharge statuses of gay and lesbian veterans
Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Seth Moulton announced Thursday a proposal to “right the wrong” that he said was created when gay and lesbian service members were dishonorably discharged, saying that, if elected president, he would have the Pentagon re…
The man who Trump praised as Pride Month began
Dean Obeidallah writes that President Trump’s decision to kick off Pride Month by praising one of his anti-LGBTQ supporters — Franklin Graham — proves he is committed to turning bigoted philosophy into American policy.
The state that is a strange and deeply imperfect LGBTQ pioneer
Despite its status as a deeply red state, Utah is open for LGBTQ people, says Samantha Allen, who outlines why Alabama and other red states could be next.
Lesbian couple challenges South Carolina foster parent policy
A South Carolina lesbian couple is challenging the state’s practice of letting taxpayer-funded foster care agencies refuse to peform services that conflict with their religious beliefs.
Pride 2019: 5 New York exhibitions that honor the legacy of Stonewall
Across New York, museums and galleries are commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall.
In a survey of American Muslims, 0% identified as lesbian or gay. Here’s the story behind that statistic
For many LGBT Muslims, coming out of the closet to their families and religious communities can be a fraught decision. One Muslim leader says she receives calls regularly from young gay and lesbian Muslims who are afraid to reveal their sexual identity.
Trump’s anti-transgender proposal is the opposite of Christian love
As in the case of the proposed HHS rule rolling back discrimination protections for trans Americans and women who have previously had an abortion, politicians too often use faith as a weapon to judge the same marginalized people Jesus commanded us to love, sa…
How the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is fighting to make the city a safe space
When a subway ride in Queens last November became the setting of an anti-gay attack, New York Police turned to a team set up for just such an incident: the Hate Crime Task Force.