Parable of the Talents, Octavia Butler’s penultimate novel, follows a charismatic Black woman named Lauren Olamina as she struggles to defend her commune, escapes a prison camp, and builds a religion, intending to send her followers to outer space. Published in 1998, the novel takes place in the 2020s and 2030s, when climate change has…
Free-agent RB Todd Gurley visiting Detroit Lions Detroit Lions OTA highlights show quarterback battle between Penei Sewell, Alim McNeill Detroit Lions OTA highlights: Day 1 Detroit Lions Repo…
MMA Depressed-us | June M. Williams Zane Simon, Connor Ruebusch and Phil Mackenzie are back once again watching the best of the worst of the MMA world. Mostly focusing on PRIDE, the UFC, Strikeforce, and the WEC. It’s been a while since the MMA Depressed-us was on the air. With the UFC’s constant schedule, gaps…
SXSW/GettyJoel Kim Booster likes to play the “hot idiot” on stage. But as you will quickly learn by listening to this episode of The Last Laugh podcast, he is actually quite insightful when it comes to the unique challenges he has faced on his path to becoming one of the funniest young comedians working today.To…
Reading Time: 2 minutes Starling Bank has become the latest UK-serving bank to ban the purchase of cryptocurrency transactions Starling said that the ban was due to “high levels of suspected financial crime”, but was only temporary Other UK-serving have issued similar bans or operate anti-crypto procedures Starling Bank, the seven year old British bank…