Episode 8 of Attack on Titan, season 4, part 2, titled “Pride,” is the latest installment of the anime. This episode brought the leading members of the survey corps and the Marleyans army together. Levi is still alive but suffers from massive injuries. He, along with Hange…
As Russian troops draw closer to the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv’s mayor is filled with pride over his citizens’ spirit yet anxious about how long they can hold out…
AirPro is an HVAC company that started in 2017. Many of their employees have been in the business since 2007, and they pride themselves on ensuring that their customers are satisfied with the solutions they offer. AirPro is a full-service heating and cooling company. They provide top notch services to residential homes…
The Winter Olympics capture all of the emotions in sports and these Getty Images photos are moments of joy, pride, heartbreak and more, frozen in time. The photographers of Getty Images did a fantastic job of capturing the Winter Olympics from every angle — the highs and the lows…