Bring your team closer with a private jet charter Bizcation
Thursday 25 March, 2021
The problems with virtual
While virtual meetings are helping us to get the business done, there can be no doubting the immense value of face-to-face physical interaction with our employees, our colleagues, our clients, and our partners.
To counteract the negativity of this enforced separation, many forward-thinking companies are advocating the value of the Bizcation – the combination of a business trip with a vacation, and the benefits that come with it. As a means of safe, comfortable, and convenient Bizcation solutions, private jet charter is rapidly gaining the seal of approval from company executives right around the world. Getting teams back together seems to be their mantra.
These executives have come to realise that private jet charter companies, like KlasJet, can help to completely remove the anxiety of travelling safely in a time of COVID-19 while giving workers a much-needed escape from their daily frustrations and allowing productive business relationships to flourish in person once again.
The benefits of combining work and pleasure
According to Gestalt psychotherapy consultant, Inga Staniune, “Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies had invested heavily in employee well-being [through] team outings and work trips. In recent years there has been widespread talk of the Bizcation work model […] regarding employees coming together in a new environment and combining work and leisure, and how it can impact performance, getting to know each other better, develop certain relationship practices, generate better communications, or standardise decision-making relationships and rituals.”
All of these are worthwhile reasons to advocate the benefits of private jet charter and the advantages of a reinvigorating Bizcation for both business and personal relationships.
Regarding the negatives of working from home, Staniune continues, “When working from home, the boundary between work and rest disappears, being on constant ‘standby’ and not separated from the household dramatically reduces attention to detail, meaning it takes longer to accomplish normal tasks, resulting in decreased business achievements.” It seems positively clear that a well-planned Bizcation can help to negate the bad effects of home working and isolation.
KlasJet is long-established in the world of Bizcations and private jet charters. Since the start of the pandemic, KlasJet has raised its game significantly to embrace the higher values of safe travel and expand the world of private jet charter to include businesses who want to combine escape with the opportunity to improve employee relationships, safely.
You imagine it – KlasJet will get you there
As a hugely experienced private jet charter company – covering private individuals, sports, and entertainment personalities, along with corporate and government travel – KlasJet has all of the know-how to organise the travel elements of a Bizcation from start to finish. Built on years of experience, the company can tailor the client’s requirements to suit almost every aspect of their Bizcation travel plans, regardless of the chosen location.
KlasJet has built a highly-reputable network of partners to ensure that every aspect of private jet charter can be accommodated. These services can include; gathering all the necessary COVID-19 information and documentation regarding testing or vaccination requirements, additional airport services such as private transportation, meet-and-greet representation, fast-track check-in, porterage, and airport tarmac access. With such arrangements in place, KlasJet clients can enjoy a safe, uncomplicated, and stress-free concierge experience from beginning to end.
According to KlasJet CEO, Rita Domkute, “Being a non-scheduled VIP passenger service and having our passengers arriving in controlled groups, we can gather general information about the nature or purpose of the planned travel, and the passengers who will fly with us. This, in combination with the epidemiological situation in the destination country, allows us to perform an individual risk assessment for every flight, based on the information gathered. In direct response to the risk assessment performed, we can ensure that the necessary measures are drawn up and applied to both crew members and passengers under the direction of the KlasJet Safety Department.”
Finding the right destination
When it comes to the destination for your Bizcation, KlasJet has no restrictions. Whether the preferred getaway involves enjoying Turkey’s sun-soaked beaches, wandering the vineyards of Italy, enjoy an evening of tapas and fine dining in your own private corner of Spain, or even experiencing the wonders of the Northern lights and the Norwegian fjords, KlasJet can get your whole team there in safety and comfort.
A Bizcation may also be a unique opportunity to explore a little further afield in total safety. Destinations such as India’s Goan beaches, the idyllic islands of the Maldives or Mauritius, and the possibilities of recharging the batteries in a private resort in Bali are being welcomed by a growing number of motivated executives. Whatever your requirements, and whatever your destination, KlasJet’s private jet charter can get you there and back safely.
Finding the ideal destination for your company getaway may seem like an easy task, however, it is worth checking if all of your needs will be adequately met, allowing you and your team to take full advantage of a unique and welcome experience.
For example, always ask if your accommodation provides high-speed internet connections, personal workstations, well-balanced and nutritional meals, wellness sessions, conference facilities, team building, and quality leisure activities, along with the opportunity for pure relaxation?
Tailoring your Bizcation needs
In the same way as every business is different, the destination for a Bizcation should also be tailored to match the expectations and the needs of the entire group. Thankfully, more and more destinations are discovering the possibilities associated with the concept of the Bizcation, and are including a vast range of experiences from wine-tasting and white water rafting to safaris and hot-air balloon rides. Along with the ever-expanding menu of activities to choose from, the issue of personal safety due to COVID-19 has been elevated as a major priority to attract visitors.
It has been the lack of safe environments which has created the necessity to keep our teams apart in a pandemic-hit world. This human separation has had a profound effect on people, business practices, and results.
According to the psychotherapist Inga Staniune. “A 30-minute video chat with a colleague is a poor substitution for a 10-minute coffee-break in a corporate kitchen. And, a two-hour virtual team-building event, with no opportunities to interact with whoever you want, doesn’t bring people together in the same way as a conversation over a shared meal in a relaxing restaurant.
“No matter how much we get used to working remotely over the years, emotional contacts and attachments are virtually impossible to form or are inclined to lack any significant stability. Even occasionally coming to the office and meeting a colleague increases the feeling of attachment and being part of an organisation, while nurturing a feeling of loyalty.”
Healing relationships via private jet charter
In the pre-pandemic past, many workers imagined a perfect scenario of working from home. However, it turns out that the reality of a home-working environment is not the bed of roses employees had imagined it to be. For many, the negatives far outweigh the imagined advantages.
Long-term home working has ensured that the lines between daily business duties and the personal environment have become blurred or even erased. Workspaces often double as family spaces. Time management can become problematic due to constant distractions. Opposingly, some workers can tend to overlook taking regular breaks. Because an employee is working from home colleagues may have unrealistic expectations about working hours. Plus, the value of real face-to-face collaboration is diminished or lost completely.
Smart executives have already recognised the significance of these negative effects on their business, along with the people they have charged to manage that business. That is why Bizcations have become the new way of reconnecting teams and reigniting the sparks that drive the business forward successfully.
It has been proven that working outside of the normal environment can encourage people to think differently, innovatively, and outside of their regulated comfort zones. Once again, these ideas are reinforced in the words of psychotherapy consultant Staniune, “In my opinion, the winners in this situation are those companies with a workforce operating from a home/office environment, and who devise an original way of bringing everyone together.”
For all media inquiries please contact:
Vilma Vaitiekunaite
Mob. +37061112789
About KlasJet
KlasJet is a family member of Avia Solutions Group, the largest aerospace business group from Central and Eastern Europe with 83 offices and production stations providing aviation services and solutions worldwide. KlasJet is a European business aviation company, specializing in comprehensive aircraft management solutions as well as private and corporate charter flights. Operating a fleet of uniquely designed jets based in Vilnius, Lithuania, as well as airports across Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa, Middle East and the CIS, KlasJet provides comfort, safety and attention to detail from the ground up. The company focuses on clients’ needs with the elegant simplicity of a single point of contact for all travel demands. KlasJet commits to the highest level of worry-free aviation services.
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