Biomutant review: a solid foundation, but tries to stack too much on top
In Biomutant there is a crafting system to add values like energy regeneration or elemental resistance or extra armour to your gear. What you do is you take an item of clothing – a hat made out of an old animatronic, say, because the hats are really cool – and you strap different bits of post-apocalyptic junk onto it. The sole of a shoe, or a bit of metal scrap with nails through it.
And to make a Biomutant, you take an open-world action RPG. It’s set in a post-apocalyptic future where humans are long dead and have been replaced with mutated mammals living in a culture with vaguely Pan-Asian influences. Cool. Then you strap on a load of different stuff that was popular in games about 5 years ago. And a bunch of it is fun, but some of it is clanking around getting in the way.
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