Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun star in Love Me, a film directed and written by Sam Zuchero and Andy Zuchero that debuted at Sundance earlier this year. The trailer for the film shows how a buoy, played by Stewart, and a satellite, played by Yeun, meet long after humans have become extinct…
Former President Carter returned again and again to charity work despite brain and liver cancer, finally entering hospice care at his Georgia home in February…
Eleven priority bills of the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council were enacted last year, including measures that seek to generate additional revenues, assert the country’s maritime rights and attract more investors…
Researchers have come up with a new way to identify more infectious variants of viruses or bacteria that start spreading in humans—including those causing flu, COVID, whooping cough and tuberculosis…
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 121, Issue 52, December 2024. SignificanceOutside the forensic domain, little is known about the factors that influence credibility judgments in humans. Our research focuses on the details included within memory narratives and highlights the role various types of detail play in …
Photo by Matt Davies/PxImages/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images MMA has traditionally been one of the toughest sports to promote unless the three letters attached to the organization are UFC. Numerous second-place contenders have come and gone over the years from Strikeforce to PRIDE Fighting Championships, WEC…